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How to Prepare to Sell Your Car

‌‌Maybe you’re finally ready for that upgrade. Maybe you want to switch from a sedan to an SUV. Maybe you’re not driving nearly as many miles as you thought you would. Or maybe you just need the cash. Whatever the reason, when you prepare to sell your car, you need to have a plan of action in place. Get ready to take these few key steps to recoup the best price for your vehicle.

How Junking a Car Benefits the Planet

‌Unfortunately, as well as we maintain them, cars do not last forever. Eventually they drive their final mile, and at that point, we have to look for a replacement. Whenever you come to that realization, that your car is too old or too damaged to repair it and drive safely on the road, the best decision for both you and the planet is to consider it a junk car. Give it to professionals that will be able to break down and repurpose it in the most responsible way.

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How to Change Your Windshield Wipers

 Just as the rest of your car needs regular maintenance, so do your windshield wipers. It is easy to forget about them, we know, but over time, you’ll definitely notice visibility issues as they begin to wear out. After all, they are your front line, regularly being exposed to the elements of rain and snow, as well as dust, dirt, and anything else on the road.